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Project Summary


Operational program:
Environmental protection and climate change
Priority axes: Sea waters

Name of procedure:

„Small Grant Scheme for Marine Waste Reduction Measures“ under Result 2: „Marine Water Assessment, Monitoring and Management System“

Procedure code: BGENVIRONMENT-2.003

Name of the project/information:

Reducing the marine litter from land-base sources in the target aquatory on the territory of Pomorie municipality united with educated and informed society against pollution

Term of implementation, months: 38

Short description of the project/information:

The main goal of the project proposal is the implementation in the target area of the project of 3 initiatives to reduce the amount of waste in the marine environment from land sources and on this basis, the development and implementation of 2 educational campaigns and 1 national campaign to raise awareness of pollution of sea water. To achieve the main goal of the project, 3 specific goals are defined, planned to be achieved through the implementation of the following 5 project activities:

1. Project management;
2. Ensuring publicity of the project;
3. Implementation of initiatives related to reducing the pollution of the marine environment with man-made waste;
4. Awareness raising campaigns in connection with the implemented initiatives for reduction of marine pollution;
5. Development and implementation of educational campaigns regarding the sources of marine water pollution and initiatives for their reduction.
The target water area of the project is specially selected in view of its objectives and covers the shores of the Black Sea, falling within the territorial scope of the municipality of Pomorie; Aheloy River, flowing into the Black Sea on the territory of Pomorie Municipality and The Pomorie Lake.
As a result of an initial assessment of the state of the marine environment on the territory of the Bulgarian Black Sea area, marine litter has been identified, including: plastic bags, household plastics, industrial metal scrap, abandoned gillnets, scrap metal from ships and car tires (rubber waste), etc. The project affects those of the listed wastes that have the ability to float on the water surface, which are intended to be collected by special high-tech water drones and taken outside the relevant target area of the project.
This project proposal completes the measures envisaged in the Marine Strategy for Environmental Protection in the Marine Waters of the Republic of Bulgaria.

This website was created within the framework of project No. BGENVIRONMENT-2.003-0006 "Reduction of marine waste from terrestrial sources in a target water area on the territory of the municipality of Pomorie in one with an educated and informed society in relation to the pollution of sea waters", which is implemented with financial support of the "Environmental Protection and Climate Change" Program of the FM of the EEA 2014-2021. All responsibility for the content of this website is borne by the beneficiary - Municipality of Pomorie and under no circumstances can it be assumed that it reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and/or the Program Operator of the Program "Protection of the Environment and Climate changes".